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A design based on research into the benefits of fidgeting, this active footrest is designed to be difficult! 


It rolls and wobbles underfoot, which means you have to keep it under control. This activity helps you make the most out of sitting at work and at leisure.


When the Dynamic isn't being used actively, you can use it like a traditional footrest, to elevate the feet, rest the legs and with gentle, controlled rolling, it will massages the soles of your feet.


The Dynamic Active Footrest allows you to sit without being sedentary! Conscious and subconscious foot and leg movement increases your blood circulation when sitting, which may also increase your metabolic rate for an increase in calorie burn.


Raising your feet off the ground when sitting alleviates pressure on your lower back and encourages better posture. 

Dynamic Active Footrest

  • Product Spec

    Size: 42cm x 18cm (16.5" x 7")

    Material: Polyurethane  

    Colour: Black

    Special Features: Anti-microbial ingredient

  • Reseller Information

    If you are interested in stocking AFS-TEX products, please contact our sales team directly at


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